Thursday 31 December 2020


 'Hei masalah besar, aku punya Tuhan yang lebih besar!'



Wednesday 30 December 2020

Dari kerana mata..

Dari kerana mata, yang mempunyai kuasa
Oh aku tergoda, aku tergoda terkecewa

Dari kerana mata, yang mempunyai kuasa
Oh aku tergoda, aku tergoda terkecewa

Dari kerana mata
Dari mata terbitnya asmara
Senyumanmu menikam jiwa
Renungan mesra menjelma segera
Aku tertawan memendam rasa
Oh aku tergoda, aku tergoda terkecewa

Dari kerana mata, yang mempunyai kuasa
Oh aku tergoda, aku tergoda terkecewa
Dari kerana mata

Setiap waktu ku cinta sayang
Sinar wajahmu selalu terbayang
Aku memujam rayu seorang
Lepaskan aku dari impian

Oh aku tergoda, aku tergoda terkecewa
Dari kerana mata, yang mempunyai kuasa
Oh aku tergoda, aku tergoda terkecewa
Dari kerana mata

Lirik Lagu Dari Kerana Mata - R Azmi

Sunday 27 December 2020



Sebahagian lirik dalam lagu Alhamdulillah Too Phat yang menampilkan Dali (Ahli Fiqir) & Yasin serta puisi oleh Dian Sastro  (one of my favourite songs)

Alhamdulillah.. Masih diizinkan olehNya untuk bernafas di muka bumi ini. Masih dilimpahi dengan segala nikmat yang nyata dan tidak terdustakan.. Alhamdulillah.. Hanya syukur yang dapat terucap. Terima kasih Allah untuk segalanya.. Dari sekecil-kecil hingga sebesar-besar nikmat.. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah...

Terima kasih mak dan ayah sebab susah payah melahirkan dan membesarkan. Hanya Allah yang akan membalas jasa bakti mak dan ayah.. Mohon ampun dan maaf juga atas kesalahan diri ini. Selalu tak dapat memenuhi harapan mak dan ayah. 

Semoga diri ini akan lebih besyukur. Akan sentiasa memperbaiki setiap aspek kehidupan..

Alhamdulillah.. Selamat hari lahir Yaya!! 

Best wisher of the year!!🤣🤣

Friday 25 December 2020

Surah Al-Kaafiruun - سورة الكافرون



Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.


Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Hai orang-orang kafir!


"Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah.


"Dan kamu tidak mahu menyembah (Allah) yang aku sembah.


"Dan aku tidak akan beribadat cara kamu beribadat.


"Dan kamu pula tidak mahu beribadat cara aku beribadat.


"Bagi kamu agama kamu, dan bagiku agamaku".

Tuesday 22 December 2020


'Who's she?'

'The impossible.'

"The more impossible, the greater the love."

'Do you truly believe that? My heart is so sick.'

"Well... what I know of love is that the sickness often becomes the cure."


Sunday 20 December 2020


Badayohaeng / A Trip to the Sea 

Some day, a long time from now
These rays of light
Remember the trip
I took to be next to you

At a seashore far away
At the end of the sky somewhere
Keep the precious memories
Of you and me
A blinding vision of azure
You’re my sea
When I gave you my hand
Your dreams broke into white pieces

I’m planning on taking a long trip
A voyage deep into the sea
The smooth, silvery ripples
Take my body to you
A blinding vision of azure
You’re my sea
When I gave you my hand a white
Burst of your smile
You know, too, that I
Love you very much
Wrap me in your softness

ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Saturday 19 December 2020

Hehe.. Cuti dah mula

Terlepas dah azab PdPR... Dok menghitung hari jerr.. Selamat bercuti kepada semua cikgu cikgi.. Yey!! 
Taun depan kita pulun lagi! 

Jom makan!


Sunday 13 December 2020

On my own

Amber-On my own

It’s okay it’s okayI’ll lie and say it’s okay
So far I’ve gone to get to you

It’s okay it’s okay
You see through
My hardened face
Trying to see the light through the rain
Hoping that nothings gone

But still I hold on
This mask is running thin
I know I’m losing my senses
I pray each and every day
For me to stay awake
‘Cause I’m on my own
Where are you

It’s too late it’s too late
Won’t believe I came too late
The bells rung me out
I’ve been knocked down
I’m done for good (I’m done for good)

Though there’s no way

But still I hold on this
Mask is running thin
I know I’m losing my senses
I pray each and every day
For me to stay awake
‘Cause I’m on my own

But still I hold on my breath
Now is running thin
I don’t care that I’m losing
I want you here to stay
For you complete me
But I’m here alone
Where are you

Where are you

No more things left to say
I just wanted you to stay

Hold on this mask is
Running thin
I know I’m losing my senses
Pray each and every day
For me to stay awake

‘Cause I’m on my own
Where are you

Sunday 6 December 2020

Pemadamku kecil hari ini

Bencilaaaa!! Hari ni terajin nak cuba buat butter cake.. Tapi.. Huhuhu.. Macam biasa.. tak jadiii.. Sakit hati aihhh. Dah macam-macam resepi guna. Tak pernah jadi.. Uwaaaaa.. Why? Why?

Sekian luahan hati yang kecewaaaaa... (T_T)


Makin tua ni makin emosi pula bila nampak bayi atau budak-budak. Bila tonton video klip dan keletah diorang kat fb, kat youtube.. Kadang-kadang jumpa kat kedai ke.. Nampak anak jiran.. Jumpa anak kawan.. Bila main dengan anak saudara.. Rasa terhibur dan sendu sangat.. Kadang-kadang termenangis jugak.. Agaknya sebab hati ni teringin nak memiliki anak. Agaknya sebab naluri keibuan seorang perempuan.. Itu fitrah kan..

Kalaulah.. Kalaulah.. Kalaulah.. Meski perkataan ni tak baik, tapi perkataan nilah yang selalu berlegar-legar dalam kepala bila nampak budak-budak. Kalau begitu, kalau begini..

But, I don't have any reason to get angry with God. La ilaha illa anta subha naka inni kuntu minazzolimin.. Semoga ada hikmah di atas semua ini. Amin Ya Rabb..

Hmm.. Rasa macam nak pergi tepi pantai. Nak rasa tamparan angin di pipi.. Nak dengar desiran angin memintal dedaunan. Melihat laut yang tiada sempadan.. Biar hilang semua gundah.. Jom!!

Saturday 5 December 2020



Hyeya, won’t you say sorry
Sometime way later in the future
At the end of the end
Then we can laugh as we talk
About this painful time right now
Later on as a good memory

Hyeya, you told me before
That you will love me forever
Through the heart of a good friend
Don’t ever say anything like that again
This emotion that’s too light for you
But too heavy for me has given you a hard time
I’ll step back a bit and wait for you
I’ll stand far away so you can be comfortable
And so I’m begging you

Hyeya, why are you trying to leave?
As you smile through your eyes
You kill me with the cruel word of goodbye, my breath stops
The melody that made us happy is still shining too much
Please don’t throw me away, don’t throw me away
I don’t want to live, what am I suppose to do?
What am I suppose to do without you?
I should have just lived on without knowing you
How was I to know I’d go crazy from sadness like this

Hyeya, why are you trying to leave?
I’ll hate you for leaving
With the cruel word of goodbye
Oh, please don’t leave, Hyeya

Hyeya, you told me before
That you will love me forever
Through the heart of a good friend
Don’t ever say anything like that again
This emotion that’s too light for you
But too heavy for me has given you a hard time
I’ll step back a bit and wait for you
I’ll stand far away so you can be comfortable
And so I’m begging you

Hyeya, why are you trying to leave?
I’ll hate you for leaving
With the cruel word of goodbye
Oh, please don’t leave, Hyeya

I should have just lived on without knowing you
How was I to know I’d go crazy from sadness like this

Hyeya, you’re trying to leave me
I’ll hate you and hate you again
For saying farewell with just that cruel goodbye
Hyeya, please don’t leave, Hyeya

Don’t leave, Hyeya

Thursday 3 December 2020

Resepi bengkang ubi kayu

Bahan-bahan dalam blender ialah
1. 500-600g ubi kayu. Potong ja kecik-kecik.
2. ½ cawan gula pasir. 
3. 1 ½ cawan santan
4. Sesudu teh garam
5. Pewarna kuning

Sapukan sedikit marjerin atau mentega pada acuan.

Tuangkan adunan. Pastu sudukan sedikit lagi majerin atau mentega kat atas permukaan. Nampak tak.. Then, into the oven it goes!!

Selepas 1 jam 15 minit inilah kejadiannya. Suhu oven ni bergantung pada oven masing-masing. Cik Yaya upkan sikit dari kebiasaan bila bakar kek. Bagi garing molek permukaan tu..

Patutnya tunggu sejuk. Tapi.. Tapi.. Tapi kan.. Tak sabaqq.. Haha.. Selamat mencuba.. Bengkang ubi kayu semudah ABC. Ops lupa nak habaq, kalau suka manis boleh tambah sukatan gula tu. Cik Yaya dah terlalu manis jadi I is tak suka manis-manis. Manis-manis buah cukup laa.. Haha.. Byee...