Wednesday 31 August 2022

Merdeka day!!


Happy 65th birthday my beloved country!!

Tuesday 30 August 2022


Minggu peperiksaan sekarang ni. Masuk kelas ni  masa 3 dan 4. Peperiksaan mula masa pertama lagi. Bila masuk, Cik Yaya tengok papan putih. Rasa tak percaya dengan apa yang dilihat. Berkali-kali Cik Yaya gosok mata. Buka spek, pakai semula. Kenapa nampak tulisan tu jadi double line? Spek ni dah rosak ke? Power mata makin naik ke? 

Pergi depan tengok dekat-dekat. Hahahaha.. Rupanya memang cikgu sebelum ni tulis double. 🤣🤣🤣 Tipah tertipu! Ciss!


Mula-mula sedar diri ni rabun masa kat sekolah menengah. Bila cikgu tulis kat depan, semua nampak double. Kabur. Tulisan tu jadi kembang. Bagitau mak ngan ayah. Terus buat spek mata. Kalau korang tengok spek mata pertama Cik Yaya, korang mesti ketawa tak ingat dunia. Bentuk bulat membujur. Kecil je framenya. Warna gold okeyy! Hahaha..  Mula-mula malu nak pakai spek, tak lama lepas tu, 'I cannot live without you!' I'm a full time specky.

Bila pakai spek, yang kabur jadi nyata. Pernah sekali pergi kem di kawasan air terjun. Kalau tak salah masa tu tahun kedua universiti. Masa mandi air tejun, Cik Yaya buka spek letak atas batu. Tetiba 'prakk'. Aaaaa! Ada kawan terpijak spek tu. Pecah cerminnya. Kem ada lagi sehari semalam. Makanya, jadi si buta la Cik Yaya masa tu. Nasib kawan-kawan baik. Jaga dan pandu. Rasa rimas sangat masa tu. Segalanya blur. Sampai otak pon ikut blur. Kawan lelaki siap usik-usik. Nakal nau! Hello, I'm not blind, I'm just specky!

Monday 29 August 2022

Life lesson

Today, I learned something. 

First, excuses is a blessing. Pernah dulu Cik Yaya menulis tentang diri yang tak suka beralasan. Cik Yaya rasa alasan tu tak perlu. Kita perlu mengakui sahaja sesuatu perkara dan itu akan memudahkan kehidupan kita. Tapi ternyata salah. Kadang-kadang kita perlukan alasan untuk survival. Tipu sunat? 

Second, things you hate today, could be a blessing tomorrow. Ingat tak Cik Yaya pernah cerita tentang 1 kelas yang ada 2 budak nakal tu. Hmmm... Kelas tu memang mencabar. Tapi hari ni, disebabkan diorang berdua, I am blessed. Disebabkan diorang, salah seorang pelajar kelas tu beri Cik Yaya dessert. Rasa happy sangat. Siap ada nota. Bagi Cik Yaya, nota yang diberikan atau ditinggalkan untuk seseorang adalah perkara paling berharga dan sweeeet dalam dunia.. (And of course, it was started by him! Arghhh) 

It's chocolate crepe!! Yey!! Thank you Alya..

Hidup ni boleh jadi indah dan boleh jadi haru biru sekelip mata.. MENAKUTKAN!! Kadang-kadang rasa takut nak melalui hari-hari. Terlalu banyak perkara yang tak diduga boleh berlaku. Tapi... 'Senjata sorang mukmin adalah DOA'. 

Cik Yaya insaf hari ni. Cik Yaya sedar yang benda-benda nilah yang buatkan kita lebih matang dalam kehidupan.. 

Sekian secebis kisah kehidupan seorang Yaya. 

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Dari kaki ke hati

Fed up! Susah betul nak cari kasut yang sesuai dengan kaki ni. Berjenama atau tidak, mahal atau murah, saiz european atau asian, beli online atau offline, sama je.. Susah nak ngam dengan kaki Cik Yaya ni..

Bila belajar, bekerja kena pakai kasut. Adoila.. Masalah! Letih mencari.. Letih menabur duit membeli yang namanya kasut. Bila beli, tak sesuai. Sudahnya kasut tu berkumpul dalam almari kasut. Lama-lama lusuh tanpa dipakai. Tercabut itu ini. Mengelupas sana sini. Akhirnya, ke tong sampah. Membazir!! Apa nak jawab bila ditanya nanti!!

Selama Cik Yaya hidup, kasut adalah musuh! Macam-macam kenangan yang muncul disebabkan kasut. Memalukan pulak tu.. Cik Yaya pernah teegelincir di tengah jalan sebab tapak kasut licin. Pernah tercicir kasut masa temuduga sebab kasut terlalu longgar. Pernah balik berkaki ayam sebab kasut rosak di tengah jalan. Melecet dan kesakitan tak payah nak cakap la.. Sedih!

Macam mana nak selesaikan masalah ni agaknya. Teruskan usaha mencari yang sesuai? Teruskan melabur duit untuk mencari? Hmmm...

Seingat Cik Yaya, hanya ada sepasang kasut yang betul-betul Cik Yaya selesa. Sampai koyak rabak Cik Yaya guna. Memang puas hati. Sepasang kasut prelove yang Cik Yaya beli dan guna semasa belajar di matrikulasi. Tempat hati mengenal Cinta. Selepas kasut tu, tak ada lagi kasut lain yang bertakhta di kaki. Kesian kaki Cik Yaya. Menanggung siksa. Tetiba hati berkata, eh kita serupa! Hahahaha..

Misi mencari kasut yang tak berkesudahan..

Kasut ooo kasut... 

Sekian cerita dari kaki ke hati, yang sama senasib...

Monday 22 August 2022

What do you want?

All I Want
Song by Olivia Rodrigo

I found a guy, told me I was a star

He held the door held my hand in the dark

And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face

Does he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved?

And there's one more boy, he's from my past

We fell in love but it didn't last

'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away

And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway

And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you

All I want is love that lasts

Is all I want too much to ask?

Is it something wrong with me?

All I want is a good guy

Are my expectations far too high?

Try my best but what can I say

All I have is myself at the end of the day

But shouldn't that be enough for me?

Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh

And I miss the days

When I was young and naive

I thought the perfect guy would come and find me

Now happy ever after it don't come so easily

All I want is love that lasts

Is all I want too much to ask?

Is it something wrong with me? Oh

All I want is a good guy

Are my expectations far too high?

Try my best but what can I say

All I have is myself at the end of the day

And all I want is for that to be okay

Sunday 7 August 2022

Only love..

Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Song by Paloma Faith

I tell myself you don't mean a thing
And what we got, got no hold on me
But when you're not there I just crumble
I tell myself that I don't care that much
But I feel like I die 'til I feel your touch

Only love, only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this
Must have been a deadly kiss
Only love can hurt like this

Say I wouldn't care if you walked away
But every time you're there I'm begging you to stay
When you come close I just tremble
And every time, every time you go
It's like a knife that cuts right through my soul

Only love, only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this
Must have been a deadly kiss
Only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this
Your kisses burn into my skin
Only love can hurt like this

But if the sweetest pain
Burning hot through my veins
Love is torture makes me more sure

Only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this
Must have been the deadly kiss
Only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this
Your kisses burning to my skin
Only love can hurt like this
Only love can hurt like this (only love can hurt)

Save me, save me
Only love, only love
'Cause only love can hurt like this
And it must have been the deadly kiss

Very contrasting!