Monday 26 July 2021


Zhu Zhanji: Why you didn't kill me at the tea house?

Sun Ruowei: Killing is easy, but saving is hard.

~Ming Dynasty~


Dua hari lepas, jiwa Cik Yaya tertikam kata-kata yang membunuh. Pedihnya la hai.. Sampai hari ni masih terasa. Bertambah sakit bila kata-kata tu terkeluar dari orang yang rapat dengan kita. 

Agaknya, Cik Yaya pon ada melakukan benda yang sama pada orang. Tanpa disedari.. Maafkan saya..

Itu yang Cik Yaya suka duduk di rumah sorang-sorang. Kalau boleh tak nak berjumpa orang. Kalau jumpa ni, antara dua, sama ada disakiti atau menyakiti. 

Macam mana la kehidupan seorang yang terkenal, public figure, artis.. Sokmola diperhatikan. Sokmola jumpa orang. Macam-macam jenis pulak tu. Di zaman media sosial yang penuh dengan fitnah dan seranah. Sekuat mana pon diorang mesti ada masa diorang terkesan juga.. Kan...

Sebab tu kita diingatkan untuk menjaga lidah. Jangan sebarangan memetik kata. Lidah lebih tajam daripada mata pedang..

Segala pemikiran buruk yang terlintas dihati tidak menjadi dosa selagi tak diucapkan dengan kata-kata. 

Semoga Cik Yaya dapat berubah. Nak bercakap benda baik-baik je. Amin.. 

Tetiba teringat baru-baru ni Cik Yaya bagi taklimat pada cikgu-cikgu kat sekolah, macam nak pecah dada Cik Yaya sebab gemuruh. Berdebar tu sampai boleh dengar degupan jantung sendiri! Walhal, guna google meet je pon.. Tak tunjuk pon muka ni.. (Takut pecah skrin  diorang, haha) Aaaaaa!!!! Menakutkan.. Dahla baru.. Dahla tak kenal semua orang lagi.. Dahla diorang cikgu-cikgu hebat dan senior... Aaaaa!!!! Nasib tak pengsan atau kena sakit jantung.. Tapi Alhamdulillah, selesai jugak taklimat.. Kali pertama tak pernah mudah kan.. Haha.. Meremang bila teringat. 

Moralnya, jangan ucapkan kata-kata yang membunuh, tapi ucapkanlah kata-kata yang membina.. Jom selamatkan jiwa-jiwa di zaman yang getir ni!

Sunday 25 July 2021

Don't leave me

Ne me quitte pas (Don’t leave me)

Jacques Brel

Don't leave me

We must forget

All can be forgotten

That has already passed away

Forget the time

Of misunderstandings

And the time lost

Trying to know "how"

Forget those hours

That sometimes kill

With slaps of "why"

The heart of happiness

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

I will give to you

Pearls made of rain

From countries

Where it never rains

I will work the land

All my life and beyond

To cover your body

With gold and with light

I will make a land

Where love will be king

Where love will be law

Where you will be queen

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

I will invent, for you

Fanciful words

That you'll understand

I will tell you

About those lovers

Who have twice seen

Their hearts set ablaze

I will tell you

The story of the king

Who died of not having

Ever met you

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

We've often seen

Fire flowing again

From an ancient volcano

Considered too old

It's said that there are

Fire-scorched lands

That yield more wheat

Than the best April

And when evening comes

With a burning sky

The red and the black--

Are they not joined together?

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

I won't cry anymore

I won't talk anymore

I will hide over there

To watch you

Dance and smile

And to hear you

Sing and then laugh

Let me become

The shadow of your shadow

The shadow of your hand

The shadow of your dog

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me

*I prefer Nina Simone version...

Monday 19 July 2021

Mengapa kita ini ada

Dalam desau sepi angin pagi
Dalam gerimis hujan dini hari
Dalam gerak-gerik halus benda-benda
Dalam harapan-harapan yang tak terkata
Tersimpan rahasia
Mengapa kita ini ada

Andrea Hirata
-Guru Aini-


Tuesday 13 July 2021

It has been a long time...

Yesssss... It has been a loooooong time since I got a soft toy as present and today, I got one!! So happy!! Haha.. Meet my Sarang!

The colour is nice..
With that cute face..
So soft and squishy..
Perfect for cuddling..
Totally love it.. 
Thanks to that someone who makes me Sarangs owner today..
A little gift that warm my heart..

Sarang, hope you can be with me for a loooooong time okay!

Monday 5 July 2021

I never forget...

Eyes On Me
Song by Faye Wong

Whenever sang my songs
On the stage, on my own
Whenever said my words
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh, did you ever know?
That I had mine on you

Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer

So let me come to you
Closest I wanna be
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast
And stay there as I whisper
How I love your peaceful eyes on me
Did you ever know
That I had mine on you

Darling, so share with me
Your love if you have enough
Your tears if you're holding back
Or pain if that's what it is
How can I let you know
I'm more than the dress and the voice
Just reach me out then
You will know that you're not dreaming

Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer
I will know that you are no dreamer

Sunday 4 July 2021


 "Rehan loves you more than you love Rehan"




"Rezeki tu bukan bermakna kamu dapat apa kamu nakkan, tapi pabila kamu terima apa yang Tuhan anugerahkan"