Monday 18 November 2013

Hwang Bo: A Gift For Him

Mature (성숙)

The words that I want to say to you now,

Could be a little embarrassing,

Since I usually just joke around with you,

Please try to understand and listen.

Actually I thought that I was not yet qualified to love,

When I first met you, I had no confidence,

And I had worries such as that.

As time passes,

The time we spent together,
I've gotten used to these precious moments,

You're always by my side looking at me,

I'll be thankful for your trust and love.

Now I'll mature, when you're watching me,

The scent of love that won't change,

I'll mature even more when I look at you,

With a trusting gaze that won't change,

Now I'll begin changing first.

Words like I love you and I like you,

Words that I couldn't say and were awkward.

I tried to make it light like a joke,

Did I do wrong, your heart hurt right?

As time passes,

And the world changes,

It seems that I've matured very little,

Now that you're protecting me by my side,

When I need your love and trust.

Now I'll mature, when you're watching me,

The scent of love that won't change,

I'll mature even more when I look at you,

With a trusting gaze that won't change.

Now I'll begin changing first.

Now I'll begin loving first.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Bubur Asyura versi utara..

Sempena bulan Muharram ni, cik yaya nak share resepi bubur Asyura..


Santan, tepung beras.

Kacang hijau direbus, kacang tanah direbus, pisang, jagung.
 (Ada jugak yang masukkan keledek yg dh direbus, isi kelapa muda n mcm2 lagi. Ikut kesukaan masing2..)

Garam dan gula secukup rasa.

 Cara memasaknya..

Larutkan tepung ke dalam santan. Masakkan dalam kuali sampai jadi pekat.

Masukkan kekacang, pisang n jagung. gaul sebati. Masukkan juga gula dan garam secukup rasa. Kalau pekat sngt tambah air.

Masak sampai dia berubah warna dan kental.

Setelah masak, masukkan dalam bekas untuk disejukkan. Sedia untuk dihidangkan..


Friday 25 October 2013

Selena Gomez- The Way I loved You

Everything's cool, yeah
It's all gonna be okay, yeah
And I know,
Maybe I'll even
Laugh about it someday

But not today, no
Cause I don't feel so good
I'm tangled up inside
My heart is on my sleeve
Tomorrow is a mystery to me

And it might be wonderful
It might be magical
It might be everything I've waited for,
A miracle
Oh, but even if I fall in love again
With someone new
It could never be the way I loved you

Letting you go is
Making me feel so cold, yeah
And I've been trying to make
Believe it doesn't hurt
[ Lyrics from: ]
But that makes it worse, yeah
See, I'm a wreck inside
My toung is tied and my
Whole body feels so weak
Future may be all I really need

And it might be wonderful, yeah
It might be magical, uh oh
It might be everything I've waited for,
A miracle
Oh, but even if I fall in love again
With someone new
It could never be the way I loved you

Like a first love,
The one and only true love
Wasn't it written all over my face, yeah
I loved you like you loved me (oh)
Like something pure and holy
Like something that can never be replaced

And it was wonderful,
It was magical,
It was everything I've waited for,
A miracle
And if I should ever fall in love again
With someone new
Oh, It could never be the way
No, It will never be the way
I loved you 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

kek raya..

 Ni la 2 jenis kek yang cik yaya buat untuk Hari Raya Aidiladha bebaru ni...

Kek keju blueberry n kek buah..

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Maruku oo maruku...

Hari ni nak kongsi resepi maruku mak cik yaya..

sepaket tepung beras
2 paket tepung pulut
garam secukup rasa
segenggam udang kering
1 sudu besar jintan manis
2 sudu besar marjerin
santan kelapa secukupnya
cili kering secukup pedas
3 batang serai
1 biji bawang besar
minyak untuk menggoreng

1. Satukan bahan A dalam bekas besar.
2. Kisar bahan-bahan B
3. Satukan bahan A dan bahan B sampai sebati.
4. Sila baca sambungannya di bawah ni ye..

Jadi macam ni adunan itu..

Kemudian panaskan bahan C dalam belanga. api sedang-sedang je..

Masukkan adunan dalam acuan, kemudian tekan and goreng maruku..

Setelah masak angkat dan toskan lalu dimasukkan kedalam bekas kedap udara...

Siap sedia untuk dingap. 

Sebelum bekas dibuka, anda disyorkan untuk bukak tv dan duduk diatas sofa empuk supaya dapat menambahkan lagi keenakan maruku anda.. haha..

Sunday 6 October 2013

Kek Coklat Moist menggunakan Tepung Segera Coklat Moist Cik Yaya!!

Resepi kek cheese lapis biskut empat segi..

Biasanya biskut empat segi (cracker) kita buat cecah ngan air teh atau milo je kan.. Tapi kali ni kita nak makan dengan cheese.. Senang je nak buat kek ni.. Yang pandai pun boleh jadi pandai.. Nampak cam messy je kan.. tp sedap.. Dijamin!! Ni dah kali kedua cik yaya buat..

250 g cream cheese
1 cwn whipping cream
3/4 cwn susu pekat manis
air susu/ air kopi/ atau sebarang air berperisa  (suam)
biskut empat segi

1. Satukan bahan2 A and pukul hingga sebati
2. Untuk bahan B, rendamkan biskut dalam air selama 3 saat.
3. Lapiskan bahan A dan B sehingga habis.
4. Masukkan dalam peti sejuk (icebox) selama semalaman.
5. Potong n boleh ngap!

Kat bahagian atas kek dalam gambar kat atas tu, cik yaya letak blueberry filling. rasa masam2 sikit.. ada yang letak nestumlah, serbuk kokolah.. ikut le kegemaran masing2.

Selamat mencuba!!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Friday 20 September 2013

Buku-buku teks Universiti untuk dijual...

Berikut adalah senarainya.. harga x lebih daripada RM 35.. hihi.. berminat boleh hubungi saya melalui email k..

1. numerical methods for engineers- mcgraw hill international edition
2.elements of chemical reaction engineering- pearson international edition
3. wastewater engineering treatment and reuse- mcgraw hill international edition
4. physical chemistry-mcgraw hill international edit
5. product & process design principles- wiley international edition
6. unit operations of chemical engineering-mcgraw hill international edition mathematics-mcgraw hill education
8. financial statement analysis-mcgraw hill international edition
9. elementary principles of chemical processes- wiley international edition
10. university physics-Edition-wesley interational edition 
11. engineering mechanics statics- pearson international edition
12. discovering computers 2006- thompson course technology
13. discovering computers 2009- course technology 
14. principles of marketing- pearson global edition
15. fundamentals of investing- pearson international edition
16. Microeconomics- oxford
17. principles of islamic jurisprudence- Ilmiah publishers


Wednesday 17 July 2013

Kek coklat lapis keju..

Berwarna warni deconyer... 
Harap2 kak Azi dan keluarga suka dengan rasanya.. 

Selamat hari lahir!!

ps: gambar dicuri dr fb kak azi ni.. Ampun..

Friday 14 June 2013

Idiom 4 2day..

Bricks and stones can break my bones, 
But words can break my heart...
And time is the only cure..

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Friday 10 May 2013


Jangan menghukum orang lain sehingga diri sendiri jadi terhukum!!

Monday 6 May 2013

kek kasih sayang.. hihi..

As per order by my new '1 kepala' friend, Mahani..
Let us be cool forever! 

More cakes for Najihah..

This two cakes are specially dedicated to Jihah sweathearts.. Happy family forever... 
TQ for supporting me Jihah...